Sunday, February 6, 2011

McDonough Introduction: This is not a blog post

Everything good, is bad for you. Everything you think you are doing right, you're actually doing wrong. I had this book from my high school engineering/design course where we read through a few of the chapters.

This time reading the introduction, you see how McDonough and Braungart see what is wrong with both the industrial and the environmental points of view. Like that a rug made of recycled bottles may still be as unsafe and environmentally hazardous as the typical rug available.

In order to make a change, the change has to start at the beginning of the cycle, and like the sub-title of the book, "Remaking the way we make things." No longer can things be made to be less bad or only out of local/available materials, but they also have to be made with their future in mind and whether they can be recycled, reuse or whatever else could prevent it from a landfill or incinerated grade.

"Scientists are trained in analysis rather than synthesis" (12).
"Nature doesn't have a design problem. People do" (16).

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