Sunday, February 6, 2011


During this past week in design 200, we talked about color and design in the environment. Some of the color topics that were mentioned were new to me, but others I had heard of. I had specifically heard before that McDonald's colors are red and yellow because they invoke speed and hunger. I've also heard that blue has no hunger triggers at all, although I'd have to imagine (from my own impirical findings) that in non-natural settings, green has a pretty similar effect as well (it all started with a hot dog and green ketchup.... ew).

In high school I actually learned a bit about biomimicry. We had a project where we had to design a dwelling in some specific environment of the world that took advantage of natures natural capabilities. For example my group's environment was the Outback of Australia and we used the features of the bottle tree, thorny devil, and other plants and animals of the region. I didn't particularly enjoy this project because it went on way too long and our teacher did not make it enjoyable. We actually took advantage of the Biomimicry guild's website in order to do some of our research.

I had seen most of the videos we watched this week. All perhaps except for the clean water video and the warm embrace video.

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