Saturday, March 12, 2011


Journal 10 (J10): Coleman Project - Personal Documentation

The team:
(and me)

Previous posts: J08 & J09

WE finished! we did it. yay.
We all worked pretty well together. There were some issues, people showing up late (or not at all), technology not working, etc.

Despite our slow start, because we had taken the time to brainstorm so thoroughly, the decisions started just coming out because we all had a clear vision of the project.

We went from about 4 'finalist' ideas to eventually working on the organized pots idea.

I felt like I contributed a lot to this project. Putting in ~10 hours to model it in SolidWorks, helping guide the initial brainstorming so we wouldn't end up in a 'solution' before we fully defined our 'problem'. Also the final project originated from one of my initial brainstorm problems/ideas.

Dropbox was a really great tool that we used. We uploaded all files and pictures to our file so that we could all have access to up-to-date information. I don't think there was much more I could have done to help facilitate the project. This project was much better than the final project in Design 230. I thought it would have been nice to be able to comment more on the quality of other people's presentations because they may have hit all of the bullet points on the rubric, but they may have had a bad idea, or their logo may not have been very nice. Not saying that everyone's work needs to appeal to everyone, but I would have felt that the grading sheets would have meant more if we were able to comment on the subjective elements as well (because it may have been indicative on how good their brainstorming process was).

I thought our project turned out pretty well, but it was kind of lame that one of the group members didn't show up to the final meeting or presentation.

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