Saturday, February 19, 2011


This past week in design 200 consisted of the guest speakers from Cobego (which included the marshmallow challenge) and the day of Eames videos and sorting ourselves into groups.

I enjoyed the talk from the former design students talking about their student and current work. I enjoyed talking with them after the class to get more information on how to get into their field.

While I can appreciate the message of the 'marshmallow challenge' type activities, I don't really enjoy doing them. They often end up having one trick at the end that just ends up geing really annoying, although my group considered just attaching the marshmallow to the ceiling either by using a spaghetti as a skewer or attaching it with tape, but we thought that was too cheap, so we didn't.

We also thought that it had to be freestanding (which it did) so we did not tape the bottom of our structure to the table, which would have prevented it from breaking.

The Eame's videos were kind of interesting, but the solar do-nothing whatever made me super tired because like the contraption, the movie did nothing.

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